Barred owl
Strix varia
Barred owl
Barred owls (Strix varia) are a native owl species found throughout Michigan's diverse forests. Recognizable by their striking barred plumage and large, dark eyes, these owls are known for their haunting hooting calls that echo through the woods at night. They primarily hunt for small mammals, birds, and insects, employing their exceptional hearing and silent flight to catch prey. Barred owls are well-adapted to the state's varied habitats, including deciduous and mixed woodlands, making them a common and valued part of Michigan's rich biodiversity.
Attracting barred owls to your yard can be a rewarding endeavor, allowing you to observe these majestic birds up close while providing them with a suitable habitat. To entice barred owls, create a welcoming environment by maintaining a mix of mature trees, especially those with dense foliage and large branches for perching. Installing bird feeders stocked with small mammals, such as mice and voles, can serve as a supplemental food source for these nocturnal hunters. Barred owls are also attracted to water sources, so incorporating a birdbath or small pond into your yard can increase its appeal. Additionally, minimizing artificial lighting at night and reducing noise disturbances can create a tranquil setting conducive to barred owl activity. Providing nesting opportunities, such as nest boxes or natural cavities in trees, can encourage barred owls to establish territories and raise their young in your yard. With patience and dedication to creating a welcoming habitat, you can increase the likelihood of attracting barred owls and enjoying their presence in your outdoor space.